My Prophetic Tribe


We are committed to providing the tools, support, and resources you need to thrive in your prophetic calling!

Get Your Tribe Benefits

 Bloodline breakers.

World Changers.
Prophetic Champions.


As a Tribe member, you'll have access to exclusive tribe benefits that will help you deepen your relationship with God and connect with other believers who share your passion for the gospel.

We have created 5 membership levels to accommodate every prophetic process. 

Find which membership level is right for you!

BUFFALO - The Cape Buffalo finds safety in numbers. Likewise, our buffalo members gain access to a community of like-minded champions. Champions who'll encourage, motivate, challenge, and equip you for your destiny.

RHINO - The Black Rhino is an endangered species. Our Rhino members are a rare breed who'll thrive in any territory God places them in. They face the enemy head-on and will pursue vision no matter the cost.

ELEPHANT - African Elephants are the largest land animals in the world. Our elephant members carry the weight of the church on their shoulders. They're pregnant with vision and ready to birth God's mandate on their lives.

LEOPARD - Leopards are strategic hunters. They know what they want, and will do whatever it takes to get it, our leopard members are no different. They're decisive, resilient, and see through the enemy's ploys.

LION - An African Lion's roar can carry for miles. Our lion members want the enemy to know how powerful they are. They're not afraid to take territory and collaborate with other leaders.

You're Not Meant to Fight Alone.

You need an army of prophetic champions at your back.
God called you out of the wilderness to link arms with other warriors. You need a place where you'll find others like yourself to keep your sword sharp and your spiritual senses sharper.


See My Benefits

Why NextGen Prophets Tribe??

We understand that as a prophet, you're under construction. It's time to drop the hammer and ditch the saw. Our team of master builders are standing by, ready to equip you. Receive the final pieces that qualify you for the prophetic office. Your journey to becoming a powerful prophet is our mission, and we're committed to helping you every step of the way.

Key Highlights:

  • Expert Guidance: Learn from the best with Apostle Colette Toach and Prophet Deborah-Anne Velthuysen.
  • Accelerated Learning: Benefit from 25 years of ministry tactics condensed into a powerful training program.
  • Community Support: Connect with like-minded individuals who share your passion for prophecy.
  • Divine Shortcut: Skip the unnecessary hurdles and equip yourself with the skills needed for prophetic office.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to elevate your prophetic calling! Join the tribe today and let the transformation begin.

Buffalo Level


Top features

  • Weekly training class via Zoom
  • Monthly impartation by Apostles Craig & Colette Toach
  • NextGen Prophets Private Community
  • NextGen Prophets Private Facebook Group
  • Additional courses for supplemental education and motivation
  • Online ministry chat for counsel and prayer from a qualified minister
  • Exclusive discounts on manuals and textbooks
Buffalo Level

Rhino Level


Most Popular

  • Weekly training class via Zoom
  • Monthly impartation by Apostles Craig & Colette Toach
  • NextGen Prophets Private Community
  • NextGen Prophets Private Facebook Group
  • Additional courses for supplemental education and motivation
  • Online ministry chat for counsel and prayer from a qualified minister
  • Exclusive discounts on manuals and textbooks
  • Free download of ebooks and audio all training is based on
Rhino Level

Elephant Level


Top features

  • Weekly training class via Zoom
  • Monthly impartation by Apostles Craig & Colette Toach
  • NextGen Prophets Private Community
  • NextGen Prophets Private Facebook Group
  • Additional courses for supplemental education and motivation
  • Online ministry chat for counsel and prayer from a qualified minister
  • Exclusive discounts on manuals and textbooks
  • Free download of ebooks and audio all training is based on
  • Required Multiple choice questions available for courses in prophetic training
Elephant Level

Leopard Level


Top features

  • Weekly training class via Zoom
  • Monthly impartation by Apostles Craig & Colette Toach
  • NextGen Prophets Private Community 
  • Online ministry chat for counsel and prayer from a qualified minister
  • Exclusive discounts on manuals and textbooks
  • Free download of ebooks and audio all training is based on
  • Submission of personalized questions for one on one exchange
  • FREE: Printed manuals and text books shipped to your door
  • A new NextGen Prophets T-shirt every year, shipped for free!
  • Weekly Homeroom class with your personal trainers - Michael & Deborah-Anne Velthuysen
Leopard Level

Lion Level


Top features

  • NextGen Prophets Private Community 
  • Additional courses for supplemental education and motivation
  • Online ministry chat for counsel and prayer from a qualified minister
  • Exclusive discounts on manuals and textbooks
  • Free download of ebooks and audio all training is based on
  • Submission of personalized questions for one-on-one exchange
  • FREE: Printed manuals and textbooks shipped to your door
  • A new NextGen Prophets T-shirt every year, shipped for free!
  • Your personal trainers are  Apostles Craig & Colette Toach
  • In-person training sessions are available for you, your team, or the ministry upon request.
  • and more!
Lion Level